
Fachhochschule St. Pölten MFG


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Pokemon Go



#Java Spring Boot  

With a team of four I programmed a Vue Js application based on Pokemon Go as part of my studies. It is possible to view Pokemons in the environment and then share them with other users in an Art Pokedex.









#React Native  

In the second, third and fourth semester of the Interactive Technologies master program, Armin Novacek and I reprogrammed the fitness app we implemented with Ionic in the first semester. This time we decided for a new frontend, implemented in React Native. This framework was new to both of us and we had to start from scratch. We were able to partially adopt the backend in NodeJs and extend it with new functionalities. In addition to new features, the design of the app also changed. We decided to extend the classic fitness tracking app for the professional group of physiotherapists. More about the functions for physiotherapists and their patients are listed below. Furthermore, our idea convinced the jury of the Creative Pre-Incubator (CPI) and we were accepted in the program.



Silent Fitsco


In the first semester of my master's program, four of my fellow students and I developed a fictitious brand as part of the Brand Identity & Corporate Design course. The goal of this course was to learn what the appearance of a brand should look like and which details should be paid attention to when developing it. 



Pub Quiz Web-App





This project was realized in the context of my master studies in the 2nd semester as part of the master class Mobile. The goal of the so-called "Extreme programming week" is to develop a project in only one week of concentrated work.  Due to the currently ongoing Covid-19 pandemic ,the recurring lockdowns, closed restaurants, stores and pubs, the idea of a pub quiz app was born. 


Crypto Slot Machnine





In the course of the Creative Media Summer School at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, I participated in the workshop "Smart Contracts: Token Creation with ERC20". This workshop lasted one week and dealt with the topics Bitcoin, Blockchain, Smart Contracts and ERC20 Tokens. During this time we were allowed to implement our own smart contract project as a group of 4 students.



Portfolio CMS








To better represent my person, I decided to develop my own portfolio website. To simplify the subsequent integration of new content I implemented a CMS, which allows me to add or change new content without code changes. I worked with Laravel. 


Fitnessapp Ionic






I developed this project together with my fellow student and friend Armin as a project for the master class Mobile of my master studies. This fitness app is aimed at an advanced audience and should help to be always on track during training. The app itself was implemented with Ionic and Angular, the backend with Node.js, Express.js and TypeORM. 



Totara Learn Tag Restriction Plugin



I developed this project as part of my professional internship. Unfortunately, due to contractual confidentiality guidelines, I cannot make this project publicly available. The plugin allows to assign different tags like Sports, Food, ect. to be assigned to one or more target groups. In addition, the tag filter has been adjusted accordingly, so that only tags from the target group in which the user is located are displayed.



Totara Learn Competencies Export Plugin



I developed this project as part of my professional internship. Unfortunately, due to contractual confidentiality guidelines, I cannot make this project publicly available. The plugin I developed allows to export completed competencies of the users in a target group manually or automatically via cron jobs in form of an Excel, CSV or ODS file. My tasks here were the planning and subsequent implementation of the plugin.



Website equipment rental FH St. Pölten






As part of the project semester of my bachelor studies, I have revised and improved the website of the internal equipment rental of the FH St. Pölten as a member of a six-person team. The main task was to adapt the design of the website to a modern time standard and to make it available for mobile devices. In order to be able to implement this as well as possible, the programming language PHP and the framework Laravel were used as a basis.



Vienna Institute for Strauss Research




In cooperation with three fellow students, I redesigned and revised the website of the Vienna Institute for Strauss Research. To make the content easily accessible for the client, we decided to implement it using WordPress.