Crypto Slot Machnine

In the course of the Creative Media Summer School at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, I participated in the workshop "Smart Contracts: Token Creation with ERC20". This workshop lasted one week and dealt with the topic Bitcoin, Blockchain, Smart Contracts and ERC20 Tokens. During this time, we as a group of 4 students were also allowed to implement our own smart contract project. We had about a day and a half to implement our project. 


MetaMast is a crypto wallet that shines with ease of use and its innovative browser extension. Through the browser extension, you can connect to many websites and handle buying, selling or swapping cryptocurrency quickly and easily.

Slot Machine

With our programmed slot machine, the User has the possibility to connect to his MetaMask extension and then exchange our self-created VIP Casino Token, short VIPCT. This token can now be used to play on our slot machine. If two of the symbols are the same, the User´s bet is doubled, and if three of the symbols are the same, the bet is multiplied by six.


Most of the time we had to research the new technology Solidity and the online IDE Remix. We were able to implement our project almost in its entirety. However, in this short time we were not able to find a crucial bug: The user can buy our token, but when playing, it is not yet possible to book the amount from the user's wallet.







Github Github
Remix IDE Remix IDE